Fact: Limpness is a common problem that affects millions of men from all around the world.
It is either the inability to get it up, or the difficulty in maintaining a sufficient erection for sexual intercourse.
Although limpness is a common issue, most men feel uncomfortable and are too embarrassed to talk about it.
After all, no man is willing to admit that he can’t get an erection for whatever reason.
This will also make them feel reluctant to discuss it with a doctor, which is a bad thing.
Often times, your man’s inability to achieve an erection could be a sign of a serious problem, which requires further medical attention.
Why You Need To Talk To A Doctor

If you are one of the many men who are having issues down there, then now is the time to talk to a doctor.
Here are two reasons why you should not hesitate to contact your doctor if you experience persistent issued with getting wood:
- Your doctor can give you an effective treatment plan for your erectile issues.
- Erection problems can be a sign of a serious medical issue, many of which, like limpness, are also treatable.
If left untreated, limpness can lead to something permanent, which is the opposite of what you want to have happen.
This could also cause strain in the relationship because you make your partner feel like you don’t want her, even if that’s not the case.
It will also affect your self-esteem, which will make you withdraw more when inside the bedroom.
Doctors are there to help.
Since limpness could be a sign of something serious, it is best to be treated right away before the condition gets worse.
There are also various treatment options available to help you address your condition.
Your doctor is there to find the most appropriate treatment for you and to monitor your progress.
In case you are reluctant to discuss sexual matters with a stranger, here are tips to help you overcome embarrassment during your doctor’s visit.
1. Know That You Are Not Alone

Here’s the truth: you are not the first person to talk to a doctor about erection problems.
Chances are there are thousands of men who consulted about it before you.
According to the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, more than half of men aged 40 to 70 years old reported erection difficulties ranging from mild to chronic.
Aside from this, 10 percent of men were unable to get or maintain an erection during sex.
Older men frequently visit a doctor to complain or talk about their erection issues.
What does this mean?
You are not alone.
Hence, there is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.
2. Build Up The Courage

This is the first thing you need to do before you head your way to the doctor.
Limpness may be a common problem among men, but you will still feel different, scared or helpless, because you are crippled down there.
Don’t be scared or embarrassed.
Keep in mind that doctors are already used to this kind of situation.
In fact, dealing with Limpness cases is quite a routine for them.
To help you better, try planning ahead.
Practice what you are going to say.
Don’t be scared to express your issues.
You need help and a doctor is there to help you figure out what is happening.
3. Anticipate Your Doctor’s Questions

Before the doctor will perform series of tests to determine the cause of your erection issues, he will ask information and questions, which will help him rule out the possibilities.
This includes the following:
- Medical History: Since limpness could be a symptom of a medical condition, your doctor needs to know your family’s medical history, as well.
- Key Personal Information: Your doctor will ask you about things like your lifestyle habits and your job.
They’ll want to know about any recent changes in your life, such as losing a job, money issues, or a divorce, and your stress level, among others.
Your doctor will also ask you about your mental and emotional health, too. - Medications: They’ll want a list of any medications you are currently taking.
This includes vitamins, supplements, over-the-counter pills, herbal remedies, and prescriptions medications, as well. - Your Erection Problems: You will hear questions like: When did it first happened?
Is it recurring or a one-time thing?
Did it come sudden or gradually?
Does it happen every time you want to have sex only? - Erection Questions:Your doctor will ask you if you can still get an erection.
If you can, they will want to know if there has been a change in firmness or ejaculation flow.
He will also ask if you can get an erection through masturbation, or if you get an erection as soon as you wake up.
Although some of the questions may be embarrassing to answer, it is important to provide all the necessary information to your doctor during your checkup.
This way, your doctor can properly evaluate your condition and determine the appropriate treatment for you.
4. Write Your Own List Of Questions

You probably have tons of questions about erection issues.
Even if there are countless articles on the Internet, it could be hard for you to differentiate which information is real and legitimate from what is not.
Aside from asking what erectile dysfunction is, here are questions you can ask your doctor about limpness:
- What’s causing my erection issues?
- Can it be treated?
- What are the possible treatment options available?
- Are the symptoms temporary or something I will have to live with forever?
- Will my insurance cover the costs of treatment and medications?
- What if the treatment options don’t work?
- Are there any lifestyle changes I should do?
- Should I see a specialist?
5. It’s All About Honesty

Honesty is always the best policy.
When it comes to talking to your doctor about your erection issues, try to be as honest as possible.
Provide as much information as you can, from the time you first had an erection issue, the frequency of limpness, symptoms, morning erections, what happens during masturbation, and anything that will help your doctor evaluate your condition.
Being honest all throughout the checkup will help your doctor identify the cause of the problem.
This will also make it easier for them to come up with the right treatment options.
The more information you provide, the easier it will be for your doctor to help you, so just be honest.
6. Have A Symptoms Diary

Your doctor’s visit will evolve around your symptoms and answering several questions about limpness for clarification.
As soon as you experience erection problems, and even before your appointment, consider keeping a symptoms diary.
Record the first, and if applicable the succeeding times you had erection trouble.
Make sure to record the symptoms and if lack of hardness happened gradually, or all of a sudden.
Having a symptoms diary will make it easier for you to discuss erection problems with your doctor.
The phrase, “I can’t remember” has no place inside the clinic.
Your doctor wants to know when and how often you have had issues down there to determine if this is a temporary thing.
At the same time, this will ensure that he will provide you the best treatment available, according to your experience.
7. Ask Your Partner To Come With You

You may feel embarrassed to bring someone inside the doctor’s clinic to talk about your issue down there.
However, having your ladylove with you will help you a lot during the process.
Your partner could supply information about what is happening inside the bedroom.
She could also answer in your behalf in case you forget how things went when limpness decided to knock at the bedroom door.
She could also ask questions about how it could affect her, as well.
At the same time, this could be a good opportunity to enlighten her and make her understand what you are going through.
There’s nothing to be embarrassed about when your partner decides to tag along.
In fact, this is advisable because both of you will be able to understand your situation and minimize strain in the relationship.
She could also help you and support you throughout the treatment process.
8. Not Sure? Just Ask

Unless you have a medical degree or you understand how your entire physiology works, it’s okay to ask lots of questions.
Your doctor will even appreciate it if you make the most out of your time to understand what erectile dysfunction is, as well as what you can do about it.
Most men are scared to ask questions or clarify matters because of fear.
Apparently, asking questions, especially legitimate, sensible ones, is not a sign of lack of intelligence.
It means you are willing to understand what is happening in the simplest way possible.
Hence, it is important to keep your list of questions ready.
If something pops in your mind, write it down immediately.
This way, you will be able to get all the information you need to understand your situation better.
That way, you will be able to overcome it proactively.
More importantly, you don’t have to be anxious or embarrassed when talking about erection problems.
Believe it or not, limpness is a common male issue that impacts men of all ages and walks of life.
Apparently, only a few men are willing to talk about it because of the fear of being judged.
The point is, if more men come forward to discuss their limpness problems, more doctors will understand why it happens and how to treat it.
By making that first step, you are helping many other men with this problem too.
Although occasional erection difficulty is not an indication of a serious problem, the important thing is to seek help as soon as you can if it persists.
Depending on the cause, erectile issues may not be a lifelong condition.
The sooner you are proactive enough to seek professional help, the better your chances of overcoming it, perhaps once and for all.